İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası

TEST – 4

1) Yakma, atık maddelerin fiziki miktarını azaltsa da buna havayı kirletmenin en kolay yolu olduğu gözüyle bakılır.
A) Burning reduces the amount of the waste materials, and it's considered the easies way of polluting the air.
B) Although you can diminish the physical amount of the waste materials, it is still one of the best way of polluting the air.
C) Burning waste materials diminishes the physical amount, but these materials are considered to be less air polluting ones
D) Although burning lessens the physical amount of the waste materials, it is considered one of the easiest way to pollute the air.
E) Even if you diminish the physical amount of the burning waste materials, it is the only way to pollute the air.

2) Dünya açlığı, gezegenimizdeki herkesi etkiler sadece fakirleri ve üçüncü dünya ülkelerine
yaşayanları değil.
A) Not only the poor but also those living in third-world countries are affected from world hunger on our planet.
B) World hunger not only affects everyone on our planet, but also the poor or those living in third-world countries.
C) World hunger affects everyone on our planet, not just the poor or those living in third- world countries.
D) World hunger affects everyone, not only the poor or the third-world countries on our planet.
E) Everyone on our planet, both the poor and those living in third-world countries are affected by world hunger

3) Genç bir kimse kötü bir suçtan suçlu bulunur bulunmaz pek çok sosyal gözlemci ahlaki
standartların çöküşü için açıklamalar bulmaya çalışır.
A) If a young person is found responsible of a terrible crime, some observers seek explanations for the decline in moral standards.
B) Whenever a young person is found guilty of a terrible crime, many social observers seek explanations for the decline in moral standards.
C) As soon as the young are found responsible of a terrible crime, the social observers seek explanations for the decline in moral standards.
D) Many social observers try to find explanations for the decline in moral standards even after a young person is found guilty of a terrible crime.
E) Whenever a young person is found guilty of a terrible crime, many social observers feel obliged to seek explanations for the decline in moral standards.

4) Sıradan bir 19. yüzyıl ailesi, şimdi gereksinim olarak sözünü ettiğimiz çok şey olmaksızın
idare etmek zorundaydı.
A) Simple 19th century families had to survive without the basic things which would now be regard as necessities
B) In the 19th century, an average family had to try to survive without many things which we would regard as necessities now.
C) Average 19th century families were to have managed without those things which we would regard as necessities.
D) The 19th century family had to manage with many ordinary things which we would now regard as necessities.
E) An average 19th century family had to manage without many things which we would now regard as necessities.

5) Cinsiyet rollerini incelemenin amacı kadınlarla erkeklerin neden eşit olmaları gerektiğini cevaplamak içindir.
A) Investigating gender roles is necessary to answer the question why women and men have to be equal.
B) The object of investigating gender roles has been necessary to answer the question why both women and men must be equal.
C) The main object of investigating these gender roles has been to answer the question why each woman and man have to be equal.
D) The object of examining gender roles is to answer the question why women and men should be equal.
E) The object of investigating gender roles is so important that it answers the question why women and men should be equal.

6) 1979 de kocamla Hindistan'dan buraya ilk geldiğimde umutsuz bir biçimde fakirdik.
A) On our arrival here from India with my husband in 1979, we were completely poor.
B) When I first arrived here from India with my husband in 1979, we were desperately poor.
C) After I had first arrived from India with in 1979, we were desperately poor my husband .
D) Whenever we first arrived here from India in 1979, my husband and I were desperately poor.
E) When my husband first arrived here from India in 1979, we were desperately poor.

7) Onun benim talimatıma uymuş olup olmadığını görmek için beklemek zorunda kalacaktım.
A) I would have waited to see whether she had obeyed my instruction or not.
B) I had to be waiting to see if she had been obeying my instruction.
C) I would have been waiting to see if she had to obey the instructions.
D) I had to wait to see whether she had to be obeying the instructions or not.
E) l would have to wait to see if she had obeyed my instruction.

8) Bir süre sonra konuşma tam umduğum gibi kaçınılmaz bir biçimde buluşmamızın
gerçek amacına doğru kaydı.
A) The conversation moved inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting because I had expected it to be like that.
B) When the conversation moved inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting, I had expected it for a while.
C) Soon afterwards, the conversation moved towards the real purpose of our meeting, for which I had been expecting.
D) After a while, the conversation drifted inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting, just as I had expected.
E) The conversation drifted inevitably towards the purpose of meeting, just as I had expected for a while.

9) Bir Hint subayı aç İngliz askerlerinin fili kovaladığını ve öldürmeye çalıştığını görünce askerlerine fili korumalarını ve onu öldürmeye çalışan herkesi vurmalarını emretti.
A) When an Indian commander saw hungry English soldiers chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, he ordered his soldiers to protect it and shoot anyone who tried to kill it.
B) Once the Indian commander saw hungry English soldiers following the elephant in order to kill it, he ordered the troops to protect that elephant by shooting anyone who tried to kill it.
C) The Indian commander who had seen hungry English soldiers chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, immediately ordered the soldiers to save it and shoot those who tried to kill it.
D) As soon as an Indian commander saw the English soldiers following the elephant which they were trying to kill it, he ordered his soldiers to shoot anyone who tried to kill it.
E) Not much later, the Indian commander who saw the hungry English soldiers chasing an elephant trying to kill it ordered his troops to save the elephant and shoot anyone who tried to kill it.

10) Bu çocuklar aynı yaş seviyesindekilere kıyasla ortalama ağırlık ve boyda değillerdi.
A) The children who were not the average weight and height can't be compared to the those at the same age level.
B) These children were not the average weight and height compared to the children at the same age level.
C) These children have never been average weight and height according to the children at the same age level.
D) These children were under the average weight and height and cannot be compared to others at the same age level.
E) These children who were under the average weight and height are being compared to the children at the same age level.

11) Ben kesinlikle ruhbilimci değilim, ruhbilimi alanında hiç bir öğrenimim yok, olmasını
da istemem, ben gördüğü şeyleri gözlemleyen ve analiz eden sadece sıradan bir kimseyim.
A) Since I am not a psychologist and I have no education in the field of psychology nor do I wish to have definitely, I am just want observe and analyze the things I see.
B) I haven't been a psychologist actually and I have no education in the field of psychology and I do not wish to have it, I've just been an ordinary person that observes the things to analyze them.
C) I am not a psychologist definitely, I have no education in the field of psychology nor do I wish to have, I am just an ordinary person that observes and analyzes the things I see.
D) I am not a psychologist definitely, and I can't have any education in the field of psychology, I am just an ordinary person that observes and analyzes the things I see.
E) Not being a real psychologist, I have no education in the field of psychology nor do I wish to have, because I am just an ordinary person that observes and analyzes the things I see.

12) Michael Jordan, Nike'tan yıllık olarak Malaysia'daki tüm Nike Fabrikası işçilerinden çok daha fazla para kazanır.
A) Michael Jordan is able to earn more money from Nike than all of the Nike factory workers living in Malaysia.
B) Michael Jordan who earns more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers has still been in Malaysia.
C) Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia.
D) Michael Jordan is capable of earning more money from Nike annually than all of the other Nike factory workers in Malaysia.
E) Michael Jordan has made much more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factories in Malaysia.

13) Birkaç bilim adamı İsa'nın yaklaşık Milattan önce 2 ile Milattan sonra 33 yılları arasında yaşadığını kabul etmiyor.
A) There are several scholars who disagree that Jesus lived roughly between 2 BC and about 33 AD.
B) Several scholars disagree that Jesus lived roughly between 2 BC and about 33 AD.
C) Several scholars who never agree with each other say that Jesus lived roughly between 2 BC and about 33 AD.
D) Some scholars do not agree that Jesus never lived approximately between 2 BC and about 33 AD.
E) Several scholars against Jesus, disagree that he lived approximately between 2 BC and about 33 AD.

14) İneği kutsal olarak bulunduran bir toplum açlıktan ölmek üzere olsa bile bu ineği asla
A) A society holding a cow as being sacred never eat this cow even on the verge of starvation.
B) Any society holding cows as sacred creatures can never eat this cow even on the verge of starvation,
C) The society holding a cow as being sacred will not eat this cow even on the verge of starvation.
D) The society on the verge of starvation and holding a cow as being sacred do not eat that cow.
E) The society holding a cow on the verge of starvation as being sacred never eat this cow.

15) Onların çoğu bu insanın çalışmasını anlamasa da herkes onun bilim dünyası üzerindeki etkisini bilir.
A) However much the do not understand that man's work, everyone knows that his a large impact on the world of science.
B) Most of them does not understand this man's work, but everyone knows that he has a great influence in the world of sciences.
C) Despite the fact that many people never understand that guy's work, and he is known to have an influence on the world of science.
D) Most of the people don't understand this man's work, but everyone knows that he has some influence on the world of science.
E) While most of them do not understand this man's work, everyone knows his impact on the world of science.

16) Eğer geri dönüştürülebilen ürünleri pazarlamanın ekonomik olarak değeri yoksa geri
dönüşüm işleminin tümü ekonomik olarak etkili olmayabilir.
A) Unless we market recycled products economically, the process of recycling is economically insufficient.
B) If recycled products are not purchased as much economically as expected, you needn't go on this process anymore.
C) When recycled products are not economically marketed, the worth of the whole recycling cannot be efficient.
D) If marketing of recycled products is not economically worthwhile, the whole process of recycling cannot be economically sufficient.
E) When you market the economic products recycled and it is economically precious, the whole recycling process cannot be so economic.

17) İnsanlar, avukatların istediklerini elde etmek için sadece yasal sistemi etkilemek istediklerine inanıyor.
A) According to some people lawyers want to influence the legal system to reach their goals.
B) People believe that lawyers only want to influence the legal system to get what they want.
C) People believe that lawyers are trying to get what they want by influencing the legal system.
D) According to some people's belief lawyers wanted to influence the legal system to get whatever they want.
E) People believe there are lawyers who want to influence the legal system to get what they want.

18) 1666 daki büyük Pekin yangınında Pekin'nin yarısı yandı fakat sadece 16 kişi yaralandı.
A) Only 16 people were injured In the great fire of Pekin in 1666 when half of Pekin was burnt down but.
B) Sixteen people were injured in the great fire of Pekin in 1666 but half of Pekin was burnt down.
C) In the great fire of Pekin in 1666, Pekin was half burnt down and only 16 people were injured.
D) Only 16 people were injured in the great fire of Pekin in 1666 after they had burnt half of Pekin.
E) In the great fire of Pekin in 1666, half of Pekin was burnt down but only 16 people were injured.

19) Erkeklerin yüzde sekseni ve kadınların yüzde doksanı aileyi toplumda en önemli kurum olarak tanımlıyor.
A) According to eighty percent of men and 90 percent of women, family is the most important institution in society.
B) The most important institution in society is family for eighty percent of men and 90 percent of women.
C) There were eighty percent of men and 90 percent of women identifying family as the most important institution in society.
D) Eighty percent of men and 90 percent of women identify family as the most important institution in society.
E) Not only eighty percent of men but also 90 percent of women identify family as the mos important institution in society.

20) Vampir yarasa kan emmez, jilet gibi keskin dişleriyle ufak bir kesik açar ve kanı yalar.
A) Vampire bat make a small cut with razor sharp teeth and lick the blood up but they do not suck blood.
B) Vampire bat which make a small cut with its razor sharp teeth and lick the blood up do not suck blood.
C) When vampire bat make a small cut with their razor sharp teeth and lick the blood up they do not suck blood.
D) Vampire bat does not suck blood, it makes a small cut with its razor sharp teeth and lick the blood up.
E) Although vampire bats do not suck blood, they make a small cut with their razor sharp teeth to lick the blood up.

21) Pek çok insan okul kıyafet politikalarının benimsenmesinin artan bir okul güvenliğine,
öğrenci disiplinine ve öğrenmeye öncülük edeceğine inanıyor.
A) Many people consider school clothes policies to be increasing school safety, student discipline in addition to learning.
B) According to too many people, adoption of school clothes will lead to increased school safety, student discipline and learning policies.
C) People mostly believe that adoption of school clothes policies lead to an increasing school safety and student discipline with learning.
D) Many people believe adoption of school clothes policies will lead to an increasing school safety, student discipline and learning.
E) When too many people believe adoption of school clothes policies lead to increased school safety, students will learn discipline.

22) Yılda 3200 den fazla sol elini kullanabilen insan sağ elini kullanabilen insanlar için yapılan ürünleri kullanmaktan ölüyor.
A) 3200 or more disabled people are killed in a year because they used products made for right handed people.
B) More than 3200 handy people are killed in a year when they use products made for right handed people.
C) Over 3200 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.
D) Left handed people, who are more than 3200, are killed from using products made for right handed people in a year.
E) More than 3200 people have been killed in a year because they have tried to use products of right handed people.

23) Televizyon, Muppet Show gibi şovlarla çocukları okuldan hoşlandırmak için çekici ve
ayartıcı bir araç olarak kullanılıyor.
A) Television which has used as an attractive and seductive device is making children to like school with shows such as Muppe Show.
B) Television is being used as an attractive medium and it makes children to like school with shows like Muppet Show.
C) Television is still used as an attractive and seductive medium to motivate children to like their schools by showing Muppet Show.
D) Television is being used as an attractive and seductive medium to make children to like school with shows such as Muppet Show.
E) They use television as an attractive and seductive medium to make children to like school by means of Muppet Show.

24) Birisi beni bir arkadaşıyla tanıştırmak isteyince başka bir şey yapmak için bir bahane
A) I try to make an excuse to have been doing something else when I'm introduced to a friend.
B) When someone wants to introduce me to a friend, I make a reason to do something else.
C) While I'm being introduced to a friend, I usually make an excuse and do something else.
D) When people want me to introduce to a friend, I usually make an excuse and do something else.
E) When I want to introduce someone to a friend, I'm used to making an excuse to do something else.

25) Ben Budistlerin hiç bir duruşmasında bulunmadım; onun için onların geleneksel
cezalarının neler olduğunu bilmiyorum.
A) I would be present at a trial of Buddhists so as to know what their customary penalties are.
B) I had hardly been present at the trial of Buddhists, and so I didn't know what their customary penalties were.
C) I had to be present at a trial of Buddhists in order to know what their customary penalties were.
D) Since I wasn't present at a trial of Buddhists, I'm unable to know what their customary penalties are.
E) I was never present at any trial of Buddhists; therefore I do not know what their customary penalties are.


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