İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası

TEST – 2

1. Aydan bakıldığında dünya, uzayın karanlık boşluğunda bir yaşam vahası olarak görünmektedir.
A) The world, when seen from the moon, seems like a bright oasis of life in the huge darkness of space.
B) Observed from the moon, the world looks like an oasis of life in the dark vastness of space.
C) Viewed from the moon, the earth appears as an oasis of life in the dark emptiness of space.
D) In the infinite darkness of space, the earth, as seen from the moon, is really an
oasis of life.
E) It is as an oasis of life in the dark vastness of space that the world is seen from the moon.

2. Bugün Batı üçüncü Dünya ülkelerine borç para verme tekniğini, onları kontrol altında otutma aracı olarak mükemmelleştirmiş bulunmaktadır.
A) The technique of lending money to the Third World countries has today been improved by the West so that it can control them.
B) Today, the West has perfected the technique of lending money to the Third World countries as a means of controlling them.
C) In order to control the Third World countries today, the West has developed particular money-lending techniques.
D) Today, the money-lending techniques developed by the West have become a means for controlling the Third World countries.
E) Today, the Third World countries are perfectly controlled by the West by means of money-lending techniques.

3. Savaş sonrası dönemde, Dünya Bankası'nın etkisiyle, yoksul tropikal ülkelerde çok geniş alanlar, şekerkamışı tarlalarına dönüştürülmüştür.
A) In the post-war period, under World Bank influence, vast areas in the poorer tropical countries were converted to sugarcane plantations.
B) After the war, it was the World Bank that recommended that the poorer tropical countries should convert large areas into sugarcane farms as there was a profitable market for the product.
C) After the post-war period, the poorer tropical countries, with large farming areas,
encouraged by the World Bank, shifted to sugarcane production.
D) Since there seemed to be a market, the poorer tropical countries, with the support of the World Bank, turned huge areas into sugarcane plantations as soon as the war was over.
E) In the years following the war, the World Bank urged the poorer tropical countries with large farming areas, to torn to sugarcane cultivation.

4. Bizimki, seksen kadar çalışanı ile sebze ve tarla bitkilerinin genetik iyileştirilmesi üzerine ileri düzeyde araştırma yapan bir bitki biyoteknolojisi şirketidir.
A) Approximately eighty of the employees of our plant biotechnology company are researching, at an advanced level, genetic improvement of vegetable and field
B) Our company specializes in plant biotechnology and has roughly eighty employees, who carry out advanced research into the genetic improvement of
vegetable and field crops.
C) Ours is a plant biotechnology company with approximately eighty employees carrying out advanced research into the genetic improvement of vegetable and
field crops.
D) Ours is a plant biotechnology company, and at least eighty of the employees are engaged in research into the genetic improvement of vegetable and field crops.
E) Our company deals with plant biotechnology, and some eighty of the top- grade, employees are engaged in research into the genetic improvement of
vegetable and field crops.

5. Son birkaç yıl içinde, gökbilimciler, kendi sistemimizin ötesindeki bir düzineden fazla yıldız sisteminde Jüpiter büyüklüğünde dev gezegenler ortaya çıkarmışlardır.
A) The current discovery of a dozen or so massive Jupiter-sized planets in star systems beyond our own, has amazed even astronomers.
B) Astronomers have, in recent years, brought to light dozens of huge planets, such as Jupiter, star systems outside our own
C) Lately, a dozen or more astronomers have been suggesting that there are gigantic, Jupiter sized planets in star systems beyond our own.
D) In the past few years, astronomers have detected giant, Jupiter-sized planets in more than a dozen star systems beyond our own.
E) For some years, astronomers have been of the opinion that there may be huge Jupiter-sized planets in at least a dozen star systems other than our own.

6. Amerika'da işçi sendikaları, sanayi sonrası ekonominin yükselişi ve ağır sanayinin öneminin azalması sonucu, diğer sanayileşmiş ülkelerde olduğundan daha az güce
A) As the significance of heavy industry in this post-industrial economy has declined noticeably, the American workers' unions have less power than those in other industrialized countries.
B) The power of workers' unions in America has fallen below that of the unions in other industrialized countries because of the transition from heavy industry to a post-industrial economy.
C) With the rise of the post-industrial economy and the decline in the importance of heavy industry, workers' unions in America wield less power than in other industrialized countries.
D) Since the post-industrial economy has replaced the heavy industrial one, the significance of workers' unions in America has decreased in comparison with other industrialized countries.
E) In America, the workers' unions are no longer as powerful as those in other industrialized countries, since the rise of the post-industrial economy has eclipsed the importance of heavy industry.

7. Eski Doğu Almanya'da ücret eşitliğine ilişkin grevler, bazen endüstriyel çatışmanın nasıl kaçınılmaz olduğuna örnektir.
A) In the former East Germany, strikes over wage equality can be regarded as an instance of the inevitability of industrial conflict.
B) Strikes have been held in the former East Germany to demand equal wages, and this demonstrates how industrial conflicts cannot be avoided.
C) The strikes held for the equality of wages in what once used to be East Germany, demonstrate that industrial conflicts are almost unavoidable.
D) It is a fact that industrial conflict cannot always be avoided is best demonstrated by the example of the strikes held for the wage equality in the former East Germany.
E) The strikes in the former East Germany over wage equality are an example of how industrial conflict is sometimes unavoidable.

8. Eğer hafif uçaklar veya helikopterler mevcut olsaydı, felaket alanı üzerinde bunlarla yapılacak alçak uçuşlar, zararın coğrafi boyutları ile ilgili hızlı bilgi sağlayabilirdi.
A) If light aircraft or helicopters were available, low altitude flights over the disaster area would yield rapid information on the geographic extent of the damage.
B) Had light aircraft or helicopters been ready, flights at low altitudes over the
disaster area could have provided useful information as to the geographic extent of
the damage.
C) The geographic extent of the damage in the disaster area could have been
established by low altitude flights if light aircraft and helicopters had been
D) As long as light aircraft and helicopters for low altitude flights are available, valuable information concerning the geographic extent of the damage in the disaster area can be obtained.
E) The geographic extent of the damage in the disaster area could have been rapidly learned, if only light aircraft and helicopters could have been made available for low altitude flights.

9. Yönetim kurulu, yakın gelecekte hiçbir ücret artışı yapılmayacağını açıkça belirtti.
A) The board declared that the questions of any wage increase could be brought up again in the near future.
B) It was explicitly stated by the board that no increase at all in the wages could be seen in the near future.
C) The board acknowledged that there could be no question of any wage increase in the near future.
D) The board made it clear that there would be no wage increases whatsoever in the near future.
E) The board announced that no wage increase was to be expected in the near future.

10. Sağlık hizmetlerini nasıl düzenlemiş olursa olsunlar, Avrupa ülkelerinin hepsinin, son otuz yıl içinde masraflarının yıllık ortalama 4.1 oranında arttığı görülmüştür.
A) In whatever way the European countries have organized their health services, they have all seen their costs rise over the past three decades at an annual average rate of 4.1 percent.
B) In spite of the fact that all the European countries have organized their health services efficiently, they have been unable to prevent a yearly rise in costs of 4.1 percent over the past three decades.
C) The cost of health services has increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent over the last thirty years although great efforts have been made by the European countries to organize them more efficiently.
D) An annual increase of 4.1 percent in the cost of health services in the European countries during the last three decades led to even greater efforts to improve
E) Most European countries have failed to curb the yearly 4.1 percent increase in the cost of health services despite the efforts made over the last thirty years to makethe organization more efficient.

11. Soğuk savaş dönemi üzerine pek çok yayın yapmış olduğundan, kendisinden 1960'larda Batı'daki Sovyet casusluk faaliyetleri üzerine bir konferans vermesini rica ettik.
A) Even though most of his publications have been on the Cold War era, we asked him to lecture on the work of the Soviet spies in the West in 1960s.
B) His publications on the Cold War era are so illuminating that we have approached him to give a talk on the activities of the Soviet spies in the West in 1960s.
C) As he has published a great deal on the Cold War era, we encouraged him to present a paper on the Soviet espionage activities throughout the 1960s in the West.
D) Since he has published extensively on the Cold War era, we asked him to give a lecture on the Soviet espionage activities in the 1960s in the West.
E) We asked him to give a lecture on the activities of the Soviet spies in the West in the 1960s, for most of his publications are related to the Cold War era.

12. Tropikal kereste ticareti, yağmur ormanlarının tahribinde oynadığı rol sebebiyle, uluslararası kaygının önemli bir odağı haline gelmiştir.
A) Rain forest destruction deserves to be a focus of international concern as the tropical timber trade continues to grow.
B) The tropical timber trade has caused a great deal of international concern since it is held to be a major cause of rain forest destruction.
C) The tropical timber trade has been a major focus of international concern because of the role it plays in rain forest destruction.
D) The role played by the tropical timber trade in the destruction of rain forests has been a matter of international concern.
E) International concern has at last focused on rain forest destruction which is caused by the tropical timber trade.

13. Adam Smith, bir ülkenin yüksek kaliteli ürünler üretmede gerekli becerileri kazanabilmesi için en az 50 yıllık tecrübeye ihtiyacı olduğunu iddia etmiştir.
A) The essential skills required for the production of high-quality goods can, as Adam Smith explained, only be acquired over a period of 50 years in any country.
B) According to Adam Smith, a period of at least 50 years of experience is essential for the acquisition of the skills needed for high-quality production in a country.
C) As Adam Smith pointed out, at least 50 years of experience is necessary ifa country is to produce high-quality goods.
D) Adam Smith claimed that at least 50 years of experience was needed for a country to acquire the necessary skills to turn out high-quality goods.
E) Adam Smith asserted that the production of high-quality goods in a country depended on the acquisition of skills gained over a period of 50 years.

14. Bir çok ulusun demokrasiye ve Pazar ekonomisine geçiş yaptığı son birkaç yıl, dünya tarihinde önemli bir dönüm noktası olarak düşünülebilir.
A) The past few years, in which many nations have moved toward democracy and a
market economy, may be considered an important turning point in world history.
B) While many nations have been moving toward democracy and a market economy,
a significant change has taken place in world history due to the developments of
the past few years.
C) The movement among several nations toward democracy and a market economy
during the past few years has brought forth a major change in the history of the
D) An important turning point in history of the world has occurred as a result of the
progress among several nations toward democracy and a market economy.
E) This significant change in the world history following the progress of many nation
toward democracy and a market economy has occurred only in the past few years.

15. Kitap fiyatları beş yılda yalnızca yüzde 40 artarken, dergi fiyatları yirmi yılda yüzde 400 artmıştır.
A) The price of journals, unlike the price of books that has increased 40 percent in five years, has increased well over 400 percent in twenty years.
B) Journal prices have risen 400 percent in twenty years, while the price of books has, increased only 40 percent in five.
C) Over the last five years the price of books has gone up only 40 percent, while that of journals has soared to over 400 percent in twenty years.
D) In contrast to the rise in book prices which has been only 40 percent in five years, that of journal prices has exceeded 400 percent in twenty years.
E) Though book prices have only risen 40 percent in the last five years, those of journals, during the last twenty years, have gone up more that 400 percent.

16. Faiz oranlarının biraz düşmesine rağmen, müşterilerimizin sayısı artmaya devam ediyor.
A) Although the number of clients is still going up the interest rates continue to fall slightly.
B) As the interest rates are going down one cannot expect an increase in the number of clients.
C) Even though the interest rates have gone down slightly, the number of our clients continues to increase.
D) Unless the interest rates go up a little we cannot expect an increase in the number of our clients.
E) Inspite of a slight fail in the number of our clients we have managed to keep up the interest rates.

17. Kasa üzerinde onun parmak izlerini bulamadığımız sürece, onun masum olduğunu Kabul etmek zorundayız.
A) If his fingerprints are not to be found on the safe we shall have to count him innocent.
B) As long as we can't find his fingerprints on the safe, we have to accept that he is innocent.
C) Should his fingerprints be found on the safe than we will be obliged to admit that he is guilty.
D) If his fingerprints are not found on the safe he can never be accused of being guilty.
E) Since we have managed to identify his fingerprints on the safe, he has no other choice but admit being guilty.

18. Onunla ne zaman karşılaşsam hep konut sorununu ortaya koyuyor.
A) The housing problem is so serious that he no longer mentions it at every meeting.
B) The housing problem is a subject he usually avoids when we meet.
C) Whenever the problem of housing comes up at our meetings, we take different sides.
D) Every time we meet a problem, it always seems to be related to housing.
E) Whenever I meet him he always brings up the problem of housing.

19. Hükümet hayvancılığı desteklemediği takdirde, ciddi bir et sıkıntısının olması kaçınılmazdır.
A) Even if the government decides to subsidize cattle farming a meat shortage cannot be avoided.
B) If the government does not subsidize cattle farming, a serious meat shortage is inevitable.
C) A shortage of meat will inevitably force the government to subsidize cattle farming.
D) Despite the government's decision to subsidize cattle farming, meat is still in short supply.
E) The cattle farming subsidies decided upon by the government have not overcome the meat shortage.

20. Bildiğim kadarıyla, veliler toplantısı süresiz olarak ertelendi.
A) It is not yet definite whether or not the governors' meeting will be delayed.
B) As far as I know the meeting of the governors has been postponed indefinitely.
C) I know the governors have been notified that their meeting will take place at a later date.
D) In my opinion a meeting of die governors should be called soon.
E) I assume the governors have already been informed that the meeting is to be out off.

21. Deprem bölgesinde bir salgını önlemek için derhal acil tedbirler alınmalıdır.
A) An epidemic has broken out in the earthquake area therefore we must take measures right away to prevent its spread.
B) Various measures to overcome the epidemic in the earthquake area have already been taken.
C) Urgent measures must be taken immediately to prevent an epidemic in the earthquake area.
D) The earthquake area has been hit by an epidemic in spite of the measures urgently taken.
E) If the epidemic following the earthquake in the area does not die down, urgent measures will be called for.

22. Ülkemizin su kaynaklarından enerji ve sulama amacı ile tam olarak yararlanmak için birkaç uzun vadeli proje hazırlanıyor.
A) With the projects under preparation some of the country's water resources will
produce long-term benefits in the fields of energy production and irrigation.
B) The projects concerning the water resources of the country will in the long run be applied for irrigation and energy production.
C) Several of the long-term projects now under consideration are concerned with
using the country's water resources for energy and irrigation purposes.
D) Several long-term projects to make full use of energy and irrigation resources of
our country are under preparation.
E) In the preparation of these long-term projects the country's needs, such as energy and irrigation, should be given priority.

23. Bakanlığa girmene izin verilmeden önce kimlik kartını göstermeni isteyecekler.
A) They will ask you to show your identity card before you are allowed to enter the ministry.
B) You can only enter the ministry if you have an identity card with you.
C) You will be required to carry an identity card if you start work at the ministry.
D) Everybody is required to show you an identity card on entering the ministry.
E) You should wear an identity card if you are working at the ministry.

24. İki liderin zirve toplantısı, insanlığa büyük fayda sağlayacak bir antlaşmanın imzalanması ile sona erdi.
A) Two of the leaders at the summit meeting have agreed to sign a treaty that will improve their relations.
B) Finally the two leaders agreed to a summit meeting which will be to the benefit of mankind.
C) The agreement signed by die two leaders at the summit meeting will certainly contribute to the prosperity of the people.
D) The summit meeting of the two leaders ended with the signing of an agreement that will be of great benefit to mankind.
E) At the end of the summit meeting two of the leaders decided to sign an agreement that would be beneficial to both nations.

25. Dünyadaki birçok havayolunun tersine, "North Airlines" bu yıl kar etmeyi gerçekten başarmıştır.
A) Unlike many of the world's airlines, "North Airlines" has actually managed to make a profit this year.
B) "North Airlines" is just one of the world airlines which has managed to make a substantial profit this year.
C) Very many of the world's airlines have, unlike "North Airlines", managed to make a good profit this year.
D) Even though there are so many world airlines, "North Airlines" has still managed to make a profit this year.
E) Contrary to what many world airlines have inferred, "North Airlines" really has made a profit this year.


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