İngilizce Çeviri Testleri Ana Sayfası
TEST – 1
1. Artık, yatırım yaparken çevresel etkenleri göz ardı etmek mümkün değildir.
A) Ultimately, it will not be possible to take environmental factors into account when making investments.
B) It is no longer possible to ignore environmental factors when making investments.
C) It is no longer right to defend investing in the environment.
D) Environmental factors are no longer unavoidable when investments are under consideration.
E) There is no point in deferring environment-oriented investments.
2. Çeşitlilik günümüzde en sık kullanılan kelimelerden biri olmuştur, ama hemen hemen hiç tanımlanmamıştır.
A) Diversity has become one of the most often used words of our time, but it has
almost never been defined.
B) In these days, diversity is a much-used term but nobody wants to define it.
C) The word diversity is almost always in use nowadays but no one is able to define it.
D) Lately, diversity is a word that is often used though the fact is rarely recognized.
E) Presently, diversity is one of the terms most frequently used, but it is a term that is almost always misused.
3. Böylesine bir durumda bir Roma heykeliyle hayatımda hiç karşılaşmamıştım.
A) One can't expect to find a Roman statue of such perfection more than once in a lifetime.
B) I never estimated to find a Roman statue in such an admirable condition.
C) Only once in a lifetime can -one hope to find a Roman statue in such a good condition.
D) For the first time in my life I have found a Roman statue in really good condition.
E) Never in my life have I come across a Roman statue in such a good condition.
4. Kasa üzerinde onun parmak izlerini bulamadığımız sürece, onun masum olduğunu kabul etmek zorundayız.
A) If his fingerprints are not to be found on the safe we shall have to count him innocent.
B) As long as we can't find his fingerprints on the safe, we have to accept that he is innocent.
C) Should his fingerprints are found on the safe, then we will be obliged to admit that he is guilty.
D) If his fingerprints are not found on the safe, he can never be accused of being guilty.
E) Of course he is not guilty, for no trace of his fingerprints has ever been found on the safe.
5. 1980' lere kadar hiç kimse petrol üretiminin ve taşınmasının çevresel sonuçlarını etkili bir şekilde kontrol etme gücüne sahip değildi.
A) Up to petroleum products were distributed widely in the 1980s no one realized how serious the ecological consequences could be.
B) As in the 1980s, the ecological consequences of petroleum production and transportation could only be controlled by a powerful body.
C) Up to the 1980s there were no serious limits put on anyone's rights to control the ecological consequences of petroleum production and transport.
D) Until the 1980s no one had the power to control effectively the ecological
consequences of petroleum production and transport.
E) No one will admit that petroleum products and their distribution were any serious threat to the environment prior to the 1980s.
6. Coğrafi koşullar, topluluklar arasındaki kültürel etkileşim üzerinde çoğu zaman etki sahibidir.
A) There can only be cultural interactions among communities when the
geographical conditions are suitable.
B) Geographical conditions frequently have an impact on cultural interactions among communities.
C) Geographical conditions are seldom suitable for on cultural interactions among communities.
D) Cultural reactions among communities depend largely on geographical conditions.
E) The geographical conditions make for cultural reactions among communities.
7. Hükümet hayvancılığı desteklemediği takdirde, ciddi bir et sıkıntısının olması kaçınılmazdır.
A) Even if the government decides to subsidize cattle farming, a meat shortage cannot be avoided.
B) Unless the government subsidizes cattle farming, a serious meat shortage is inevitable.
C) A shortage of meat will unavoidably force the government to subsidize cattle farming.
D) Despite the government's decision to subsidize cattle farming, meat is still in short supply.
E) The cattle farming subsidies decided upon by the government have not overcome the meat shortage.
8. On sekizinci yüzyıldan beri iktisatçılar, yeryüzünde durmadan artan insan sayısının
sonuçta tüm kaynakları tüketeceği uyarısında bulunmuşlardır.
A) Since the eighteenth century, economists have warned that the ever increasing number of people on earth would eventually exhaust all sources.
B) Throughout the eighteenth century economists constantly warned that the increase in population would eventually lead to the exhaustion of all resources.
C) In accordance with the economists of the eighteenth century, the ever-growing of people in the world would eventually exhaust all resources.
D) The constant growth in population since the eighteenth century will, as economists warn, cause the earth's resources to be exhausted.
E) The constantly growing population of the eighteenth century, as economists have
pointed out, adversely affected the world's resources.
9. Biyologların DNA'nın molekül yapısını ortaya koymalarından kırk yıldan az bir zaman sonra
genetik bilimi tıp biliminin sınırlarını yeniden çizmektedir.
A) After discovering the molecular structure of DNA approximately forty years ago, biologists
redefined the boundaries of genetics and medical science.
B) Biologists unraveled the molecular structure of DNA approximately forty years ago and so redefined the boundaries of medical science.
C) The boundaries of medical science were redefined over forty years ago when biologists worked out the molecular structure of DNA.
D) For forty years before biologists discovered the molecular structure of DNA, genetics had been redefining the boundaries of medical science.
E) Less than forty years after biologists unraveled the molecular structure of DNA, genetics is redefining the boundaries of medical science.
10. Ülkemizin su kaynaklarından enerji ve sulama amacı ile tam olarak yararlanmak için birkaç
uzun vadeli proje hazırlanıyor.
A) With the schemes under preparation some of the country’s water resources will produce long-term benefits in the fields of energy production and irrigation.
B) The schemes concerning the water resources of the country will in the long run be implemented for irrigation and energy.
C) Some of the long-term schemes now under consideration are concerned with using the country's water resources for energy and irrigation purposes.
D) Several long-term schemes to make full use of the country's water resources for purposes of energy and irrigation are under preparation.
E) In the preparation of these long-term schemes the country's needs, such as energy and irrigation, should be given priority.
11. Tahrifat yapılan belgelerde parmak izi aranması bana göre yararsız bir çabaydı.
A) To me it is an absurd effort to try to look for fingerprints on the documents that
were falsified.
B) It seems to me that it is a useless effort to try to find fingerprints on the falsified
C) To me it is a useless effort to look for fingerprints on the falsified documents.
D) As far as I know, it is no use trying to search for fingerprints on the documents
that were embezzled.
E) In so far as I am concerned, it is not useful to look for his fingerprints on the
embezzled documents.
12. Hükümete sunulan olabilirlik raporunun üretilecek tahmini elektrik enerjisine yer vermediği anlaşılıyor.
A) It is clear that the feasibility report submitted to the government does not place in
it the estimated electrical energy to be produced.
B) It is the feasibility report given to the government that does not include the
electrical energy produced which is estimated.
C) The anticipated electrical energy which will be produced is clearly not mentioned
in the possibility report presented to the government.
D) It is obvious from the feasibility report to be submitted to the government that the
conjectural estimates of the electrical energy to be produced is not included in it.
E) It is understood from the feasibility report submitted to the government that it
didn't deal with the estimated production of electrical energy.
13. Üyelik başvurun onaylanmadan önce, derneğe serbestçe girip, çıkmana izin vereceklerini hiç mi hiç sanmıyorum.
A) I never think that you will be allowed to enter in the Society without the acceptance of your membership application.
B) I doubt very much that they will allow you to freely enter in the Society before your application for membership is approved.
C) I don't think at all that your membership will be approved before you apply to them for free entrance.
D) I have no suspicions about it that they will freely admit you to the Society before your membership application is approved,
E) I don't think they will allow you to freely enter in the Society after your membership application is accepted.
14. Komisyonun, bakteri düzeyi belirli bir sınırı aşan patateslerin satışını yasaklayan kararına maalesef pek uyulmuyor.
A) It is a pity that the decision made by the commission to ban the sale of potatoes with a bacterial level above a certain limit is not obeyed much.
B) Unfortunately the decree of the committee which bans the sale of potatoes that
have a high bacterial level above limits doesn't work.
C) It is unfortunately observed by the commission that the lifting of the ban on the sale of potatoes that have a high bacterial level above a certain limit is not obeyed.
D) The bacterial level of the potatoes to a certain limit is unfortunately banned by a pronouncement by the commission.
E) The decision taken by the commission which bans the sale of the potatoes with, unfortunately, a bacterial level above a certain limit is not found suitable.
15. Böyle bir makineyi verimli bir şekilde çalıştırmak sizce ortalama bir işçinin yaklaşık olarak ne kadar vaktini alır?
A) Approximately how long do you think this machine will take to work with an efficient worker to operate it?
B) How long exactly, do you think, will it take an, ordinary worker to operate on this machine?
C) In so far as you know, how long does it take an ordinary worker to operate this machine efficiently?
D) Roughly how long do you think it will take an average worker to operate such a machine efficiently?
E) Roughly speaking, how long do you thing we need an average worker to operate such a machine effectively?
16. Sırf nedeni siyasidir diye bir cinayeti önemsiz saymak bence cinayetlerin en büyüğü olurdu.
A) I would think that the real murder is to consider a murder unimportant owing to its aim.
B) I don't think that murders are important when the motivation is political.
C) I think it will be a crime to say that murders committed for political reasons are important.
D) I think the greatest murder is to think that the murder is not important since the aim is political.
E) In my opinion it would be the greatest murder to consider a murder unimportant simply because it is politically motivated.
17. Bu taraflı tutumun dikkat çekmemesi için elinden ne geliyorsa yapıyor ancak yanıldığını er geç anlayacak.
A) He's doing his utmost so that his impartial attitude will not be noticed but he will soon know he is mistaken.
B) He's doing whatever he can in order not to notice his partial attitude but sooner or later he will be mistaken.
C) He's doing whatever he can so that is partial attitude will go unnoticed but sooner
or later he will understand that he is mistaken.
D) He's doing whatever is in his hands in order to go unnoticed with his partial
behavior but he understood that he made a mistake.
E) He has been doing his best for he wants his impartial attitude to be noticed but sooner or later he will be misled.
18. Karşılıklılık ilkesi çerçevesinde, her iki ülke de diğer ülke vatandaşlarının mülk edinebilmesini kolaylaştıran kanunlar çıkardılar.
A) In the framework of mutual principles, both the countries put laws into force in
order to make it easy for other country's citizens to buy bonds.
B) In terms of reciprocity, both the countries laid down laws to make it easy for the citizens of the other country to buy properties.
C) In terms of responsiveness, both the countries lay down laws which simplifies it for another country's citizens to buy properties.
D) In terms of mutual principles, both the countries agreed to put laws into force so that their citizens could easily buy properties.
E) In accordance with mutual principles, both countries were forced to lay down laws in order to simplify the formalities of possessing a property in the other country.
19. Bir ofis dizayn edilirken, yerin doğru kullanımına, firmanın ve bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına gösterilen dikkat çoğunlukla tamamen yetersizdir.
A) When an office is designed the attention paid to the correct use of space and
individual and company needs, is often totally inadequate.
B) When an office is designed it is generally insufficient to pay attention to the use of
space and individual and company needs.
C) When an office is designed it is frequently totally not enough to draw attention to the individual and company needs as well as the correct use of space.
D) When one designs an office, the correct use of space, and individual and company needs is paid no attention at all.
E) When an office is designed it is frequently not enough at all to care for the correct use of space, and individual and company needs.
20. Florence Nightingale' in olağanüstü kararlılık ve organize etme yeteneği gösterdiği tek savaş Kırım Savaşı olmamıştır.
A) It was long before Crimean War that Florence Nightingale proved her extraordinary qualities of determination and organizing ability.
B) It was when the Crimean War broke out that Florence Nightingale displayed extraordinary determination and organizing ability.
C) During the Crimean War Florence Nightingale did not show any extraordinary determination or organizing ability.
D) Crimean War was the only war during which Florence Nightingale confirmed her extraordinary determination and organizing abilities.
E) It was not only during the Crimean War that Florence Nightingale showed extra ordinary determination and organizing abilities.
21. 1980'lerden bu yana, dünyadaki nükleer sanayi hızlı bir şekilde düşmektedir ve Avrupa Birliği içinde, on beş ülkeden yedisi nükleer enerjiden aşama aşama vazgeçmiştir.
A) Since the 1980s, the nuclear industry in the world has been declining rapidly, and within the European Union, seven out of the fifteen countries have phased out nuclear power.
B) Starting with the 1980s, there has been a steep decline in the nuclear industry all through the world, particularly in the European Union, where only seven of the
fifteen countries continue to use nuclear power.
C) The world's nuclear industry has continued to decline since the 1980s; in particular, this is true of the fifteen countries of the European Union, seven of which have slowly ceased to use it altogether.
D) Seven of the fifteen countries of the European Union have gradually put an end to the use of nuclear power; the movement started in the 1980s and has continued
would-wide ever since.
E) After the 1980s, the nuclear industries of the world have fallen into disrepute, particularly in the European Union where seven of the fifteen countries have, step
by step, stopped using it altogether.
22. Bush, radyo konuşmasında, bazı Amerikan okullarında verilen eğitimin toplumun en iyi değerlerini beslemediğini söyledi.
A) Bush, in-his radio talk, concentrated on the various ideals of society and
,regretted that some American schools tailed to nourish them.
B) During his radio talk, Bush explained how the education given in some
American schools failed to uphold the best values of society.
C) In his radio talk Bush said that the education provided in soma American schools did not nourish the best values of society.
D) Bush emphasized in his radio talk that it was the duty of the American education system to ensure that some schools encouraged the best values of society.
E) In certain American schools, as Bush stressed in his radio talk, the education provided was not in accord with the ideals of society.
23. İnsan, Japonya'yı boydan boya trenle gezebilir ve bir istasyonda durduğunda, bir taşra kentini ötekinden ayırt etmenin hemen hemen imkânsız olduğunu hisseder.
A) While traveling the length and breadth of Japan by train, one realizes at each station that one provincial town is very like another.
B) One can travel the length and breadth of Japan when stopping at a station, that it is almost impossible to distinguish between one provincial town and the next.
C) While traveling by train through Japan, one feels at each stop at a station that each
provincial town is virtually identical with the next.
D) Traveling from one end of Japan to the other by train, one recognizes, when stopping
at a station, that one provincial town joins imperceptibly into the next.
E) When traveling hither and thither by train in Japan, and stopping at various
stations, one notices how each provincial town is identical with the rest.
24. Romancı Thomas Hardy, özyaşam öyküsünde babasından, "kalkınmakta olan kırsal topluluklarda gereksinim duyulan sanat ve becerilerin çoğuna sahip ender insanlardan biri" olarak söz eder.
A) The novelist Thomas Hardy, in his autobiography, tells his father as "one of those rare people who had developed almost all the arts and skills needed to make a rural community survive."
B) In his autobiography the novelist Thomas Hardy describes his father as "one of those rare people who possessed most of the arts and skills needed in thriving rural communities".
C) In this autobiography, Thomas Hardy, the novelist, tells how his own father was strange in that he cherished the arts and skills that enable rural communities to flourish."
D) The novelist Thomas Hardy describes in his autobiography how his own father was one of those valuable people who encouraged the arts and skills that help rural communities to thrive."
E) The novelist Thomas Hardy describes in his autobiography how his father was "one of the few people to use his arts and skills to ensure that rural communities would flourish."
25. Bazı iktisatçılara göre komünist ekonomik sistemin çöküş nedenlerinden biri, çok yüksek maliyetle çok az üretim yapılmış olmasıdır.
A) Some economists are of the opinion that high productions cost and low output were the main reasons for the collapse of the communist economic system.
B) According to some economists, the collapse of the communist economic system was in part due to the fact that too little was produced at too high a cost.
C) Some economists are of the opinion that too little was being produced at too high a cost, and it was for this reason that the communist economic system collapsed.
D) To some economists, the reason for the collapse of die communist economic system was that too few goods were produced at too high a price.
E) According to some economists, one of the reasons for the collapse of the communist economic system is that too little was produced at too high a cost.